I spent a major part of my weekend keeping my sanity by keeping company with the insane. Saturday I went to a crop from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Well, I didn't stay until midnight. I left about 9:00 p.m. I must be getting old. I used to be able to pull those all-nighters, but NO MORE!
Anyhow, I got to scrap with some old scrapping buddies and IT FELT GOOD! The crop was run by my wonderful friend Trish, who happens to have a fabulous knack for entertaining the masses. This girl does everything over the top! The food, giveaways, trivia contest, kits and page-in-a-pinch layouts were just icing! Bravo, Sister!
I shared a table with my old friend Jen B. Now some of you may not know that when I say OLD friend, I am not referring to her age. Jen and I went to high school together. My renewed friendship with Jen is one of the best things I took with me when I left Scraptacular. Jen has a dry sense of humor and she is full of one-liners. I LOVE THIS GIRL!!!! She makes me roar! And even if I try to be serious, she brings on giggles. But, my favorite part about scrapping with her is that she has no expectations for me. She lets me scrap. Admittedly, I am no artist, designer and a rather basic scrapbooker. But, with Jen there is no competition. We are just having a good time, shooting the breeze and enjoying a hobby. Just the way it should be. (And by the way, she is an excellent cook! I am looking forward to new recipies!)
To add to my delight, my friends Nicole, Jenn, Erika and Marti were in attendance. I really forgot what it was like to crop while they sang their "ghetto" tunes in the background. I was thinking about how far their work has come since we worked together. It is nice that they have taken their work to a new level. Plus, it makes me plain old warm inside to be in the room with all of them....just working on our projects. Good times!
Jenn, you complete me.
Trish, I wish you wouldn't bring ants to the dang crops!
Over and out..............................
You make scrap better just by being there and inspiring me to be one with the world!
okay for some reason I can change the fact that everytime I write something it says that Trish wrote it. UGH! so mush for being a computer nerd! JEN B
PS I Wrote the above comment also!
Love you, Val. From the REAL Trish...:)
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