Friday, March 30, 2007
Give me a moment to mush.....
Also, have you heard the song called "When I Get Where I'm Goin'"by Brad Paisley? Well, maybe you aren't a big country music fan, but the words are awesome. I was just listening to it and it made me happy. There are two parts to the song that are my favorite.
1) When I get where I'm goin' on the far side of the sky, the first thing that I'm gonna do is spread my wings and fly. I'm gonna lie beside the lion and run my fingers through his mane. And then I'll find out what its like to ride a drop of rain;
2) When I get where I'm goin' and I see my Maker's face, I'll stand forever in the light of his amazing Grace.
Thats what my mom is doing right now! How cool is that! Yay for you mom!
And for that....I will be thankful this Easter!!!!!
Hugs to all!
Okay, I need to be paid for this job......
Now, on one hand I consider this to be a huge pain in the can. It definately throws a crimper into motherhood. I'm sure the schools think I am nuts. Maybe some people don't even think my kids HAVE parents! HA! As my favorite, Ms. Erma Bombeck wrote: "If someone was to run an ad in the New York Times which read: WANTED: Household drudge, 140 hour week, no retirement, no sick leave, no room of own, no Sundays off. Must be good with animals, kids and hamburger. Must share bath, would 42 million women still apply?" Let's face it. This job of mothering sometimes seems to have no perks what-so-ever! Now, throw in the over-emotional and it can make for a looooonnnnngggg day.
But, now for the other hand. It is better to have feelings than to not feel. And all the people out there that have BIG emotions also have BIG hearts. They are do-gooders. They know compassion. Sure, they use their share of Kleenex, but maybe their emotions save others from tears.
This being said, Trent you WILL NOT embarass yourself in the chapel play. It will be okay. You may actually enjoy it. You are your worst critic. Paige, you are not alone in a room. You light up a room. There is a big difference. You just have to believe in yourself. Austin, putting your heart out there and loving BIG, well that just assures you that one day it will come right back at you. So, don't ever stop being that way.
Maybe one day I will get this motherhood thing down-pat. I'm not betting on it. I will probably start to understand when Trent has children of his own. Yep, just in time to lecture him on everything I think I know. For today, I have three sad faces.....and I'm looking for the right words to cheer these people on.
Okay, really..................I need to get paid for this job.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Picture Me In Your Mind....
Maybe You Don't Have Teenagers....

My Life As Erma

Monday, March 26, 2007
One more thing I stink at......
Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Erika. I hope you had a wonderful, fun-filled, family-lovin' kinda birthday. AND.....I hope I get to see you real soon!
Hugs, Kid!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
*Sigh*......Moving On...........
Little Things I Love................

First of all, my crocuses are blooming. (Ummm, hope I spelled that correctly!) They are the first dash of color in my yard at spring, and just the anticipation of them blooming makes me happy. The photo at the left was taken by Paige, in the rain. She is crazy like her mother.
Secondly, I had a house full of kids...and I mean a house FULL! Austin had six boys and Paige had three girls. And...I love it. They are all good people. The boys are into going to haunted places. Do you remember going to Gore Orphanage Road? I have to admit, I wonder exactly HOW MUCH trespassing they are doing, using my car...but they seem to be acting responsibly. So far, no ghosts. Paige's friends are all about taking pictures and music. I should throw food into the mix on both groups. I think we ate through our entire food budget for the next two weeks.
Thirdly, we have a gold medal olympian in our midst. My favorite first grader scored one big gold medal in the reading olympics. He had a little part to recite out loud. According to the teacher, he was a bit to shy to do it by memory. Trent read his part and read it beautifully. I love my timid little boy!
And for the grand finale......Paige was supposed to sing in a trio of girls at church. Well, the other two had microphone difficulties so it turned into a solo for Paige. And she was GREAT. So proud. She sang loud and clear. The song is called The Lamb and it has a great Easter message. YOU GO GIRL!
Love, love, LOVED my weekend of little things.
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Yes! Mike comes home today and I can't wait. I am ready for some assistance. I hope he doesn't think he is going to rest, because he has three kids waiting to see him and I can't WAIIIIITTT!
This picture pretty much describes the attitude I received while Mike was away. Don't get me wrong, I can handle myself AND I have good kids. But, that one in the red shirt needs to be sat on! Last night I told him he needed to go to bed and he said "make me." WHAT? WHAT? I hoped I hadn't heard him correctly but I did. (This one is a stinker.) Of course, Austin was in the kitchen and started to laugh. Nothing like a good support system. {{sigh....}} SOoooooo...I stooped down, got my face close to his and ask him if he REALLY wanted me to make him. Because I COULD make him but he wouldn't like it. He stomped upstairs to brush his teeth. Again, my great back-up was again laughing in the kitchen. I reminded him that his evil twin just left the room. Austin doesn't really think Trent knows what he is saying. I told Austin to educate him quickly, or I was going to hurt him! LOL! Yes, both my boys are stubborn and dig their heels in at times. But they sure can take care of themselves.
And....the one in her brother's blue Duke hoodie? Well, she is almost totally off of one of her meds and I couldn't be prouder. This little one can be a worker bee when she wants to be. I'm not sure she knows the potential she has, but I want to work on that one. I have a feeling about her......she may be one to really shake up the world. But, for today, she wants to bug me about buying YET ANOTHER CD. Apparently Hannah Montana has a new CD out. The idea of working to earn it didn't go over very good. But I know she will get moving. When she wants something she can really work her tail off! And as my friend, Martha Stewart would say....."that is a good thing."
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
We Suffered Through the First Night
Running the kids has kept me pretty busy. I did take a breather this afternoon to read Stacy Julian's blog and ONCE AGAIN she hit the nail on the head. She finds THE best quotes and is so eloquent in her journaling that I am green with envy. In her most recent post, Stacy talks of her Grandmother's funeral. (By the way, she showed a photo of the casket at the cemetery and the mountains in the background were beautiful.) She reflects on the life of her grandmother and what we should prioritize in life. And, she used what I will call "the quote of the day."
There is no title, or achievement, no amount of position power or money, no possession, thrilling experience or adventure in this life that is more important than loving and serving those that are your family.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Just Like My Own

Thursday, March 15, 2007
No Munchkin Land
Wednesday evening I was home with Paige and Trent. Mike had taken Austin and his mother to see Lutheran West play basketball in Canton. As usual, I was missing the fun. Little did I know, but the evening would get very interesting. My friend, Jen called to see if I had the kids in the basement. WHAT? "You have a tornado warning!" UGH....As soon as I hung up the phone, the new weather sirens installed in Avon began to sound, so I took the kids to the basement......and it was pitiful. Trent just burst into tears.
Now, this was no surprise....the whole Trent crying thing. You see, I come from a long history of storm fear. My grandmother (sweetest woman you would EVER meet) was terrified of storms. She actually kept a bag complete with insurance information and crackers to take into the basement for each storm. She even told me a story that her mother had went to the well (at a very young age), got struck by lightening and had grey hair for life. Is this true? I have no idea. But when you are young...that grey hair thing can freak you out! Anyhow, my mother was infamous for making us all pile into our shower or lay behind our familyroom couch (as dad watched the storms out the window). Then, of course, there is the 4th of July tornado by Cascade Park when we were young. Don't get me wrong. I don't hate thunderstorms....UNLESS THEY ARE ACCOMPANIED BY WIND.
So, you get the picture. Trent comes by this honestly. Well, this poor kid was all over the place. "Will I ever play sports again?" and "Where will we live if our house falls down?" Thank goodness, Paige was in control. She sat him down and taught him how to play Scrabble.
After we came back upstairs, I checked outside and we did NOT land on a witch. There were no flying monkeys and no scottie dogs. We were not in muchkinland. I didn't get to sleep on a bed of poppies....but I did get to share some snoozetime with one frightened little 7 year old. Paybacks I guess, for all those nights between mom and dad.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Do YOU Know Anyone Like This?
I decided to go to the blog, not just because of the thread but because I LIKE Stacy Julian. She had a wonderful post about her son. I thought it was very real and heartfelt. She cited a quote in her post which I thought was sooo cool. It totally describes how I feel about some of the characters in my house. I thought maybe you would enjoy it......
"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."
I'm off to get my crazy ones off to school to prepare them to change the world.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Keeping Sanity With The Insane.....

Thursday, March 8, 2007
What's Happening??????
1) Trent did great at bean bag toss and was asked to sign autographs at school.
2) Austin attempted to put an Icy/Hot Patch on his groin injury until he realized it would remove all the hair in said area.
3) Paige started singing lessons and is practicing her "sprinkler" breathing techniques.
4) Mike has a sinus infection. His mother wants me to "look at him" more often, because she doesn't think his eyes look good! LOL (Okay, If I MUST!!!)
5) Yes, Trent is STILL watching the Ohio State/Michigan Football Game after school, especially the beginning with Script Ohio.
6) It is Lutheran Schools Week. This is big people. The only thing greater is if Marty Luther
himself walked through the door. BIG STUFF!
7) Many airplane entrails were left in the skies over Cleveland, leaving fear of terror attacks.
8) Dad went shopping with Vera at Dress Barn. Vera loved it. I'm willing to bet Dad's wallet
never left his pocket. Gotta work on that dad!
9) American Idol......Many misguided Americans voted off a couple of people that should have stayed.
Really...what do they see in Sanjaya?
Well, thats about all I can remember for now.
Check back later, peoples!
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Do You Remember Jr. High?

Thursday, March 1, 2007
God's Eye

I received an email today from a very sweet woman whose daughter also suffers from OCD. Actually, her case is VERY similar to Paige's experiences. Although we have never met, Sandy and I often whether the same storms. She is a very Godly, warm, compassionate, loving mother. She and her daughter, Bre have reached out to help us whenever possible.
If you know much about me, you know that I am not fond of email chain letters. Actually, I am not fond of chain letters at all. I find it difficult to believe that God would change his eternal plan because I have decided to forward an email to my seven closest friends. It would be nice to think that would happen, but........I'm not buying what they are selling.
Anyhow, back to my email. Today, Sandy sent me the following message:
Okay, I LOVE THIS PICTURE and I'm not even sure why. I'm not about to change my stance on chain letters. But I did want some of my favorite people to see this photo. Can you imagine what He must see? I immediately thought of all the things I should do differently in His sight.Dear All: This photo is a very rare one, taken by NASA. This
kind of event occurs once in 3000 years. This photo has done miracles in many
lives. Make a wish ... you have looked at the eye of God. Surely you will see
the changes in your life within a day. Whether you believe it or not, don't keep
this mail with you. Pass this at least to 7 persons. This is a picture NASA took
with the Hubbell telescope. Called "The Eye of God."