The cross is the greatest example of humility and devotion in the universe. Jesus put your needs ahead of His own. He considered you more valuable than Himself. - Chip Ingram

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Teen Age Years

Well, by now you all pretty much understand how I feel about my kids and parenting. I love the kids but they can be challenging. As for parenting, well sometimes I think I get it, and sometimes I think I have failed.

I was recently on a scrapbooking message board and a woman posted a link about trouble she was having with her 13 year old daughter. Apparently this daughter had never been trouble until recently. Now she is making many mistakes and has the household in an uproar.

I busted a gut when I read the following response to her post:

Good afternoon and welcome to the Teen Years Train(wreck). You have chosen to get on this express train with your child, and we regret to inform you, that for the next 5 or 6 years, you cannot get off. No matter what your child does, we have you trapped on the Teen Train. The windows do not open, so nobody will hear you scream. You cannot throw yourself under the train, you can only watch as the world flashes by. The only sound you will hear on this train will be the constant drone of your child arguing with everything you say. On this train you will see people who look old enough to be your parents....they're not, they're your neighbors, the ones with a child two years older than yours. Try not to stare, they know they have aged 10 years in the last two. You will too. This is not the Twilight Zone passengers, this IS your worst sit back, tighten your seat belt, and get ready to rock and roll....

HA! How true, how true!


Jen Forbus said...

That person has GOT to have WONDERFUL scrapbooks! How creative and funny!! That is absolutely hilarious. I'm not even a parent and I LOVE it!! :)

Anonymous said...

I loved that! Hey I came over to see all your decorations too??? I'm ready to post some more of the west wing of my house :) ha ha ha