Next time a sunrise steals your breath or a meadow of flowers leaves you speechless, remain that way. Say nothing, and listen as heaven whispers, "Do you like it? I did it just for you."
- Max Lucado
Usually I have the quotes at the end of my posts. But, today I thought it was important to put it at the very top. And this is why I feel that way.................
I am loving this rain. Here in northeast Ohio, we usually get our fair share of rain. And in October, usually the rain is accompanied by the damp chill that goes straight to the bone. It is not always a pleasant visitor. Usually this time of year I groan at the thought of this type of weather. But, this morning I was watching the news (not always a good idea, either) and I saw the horrific fires in California and the extreme droughts in the south (especially Georgia) and it got me thinking. I guess we have a lot to be thankful for in these little water droplets and in these grey clouds. Maybe here in Ohio, it was something "just for us."
So, I lit some cinnamon candles, made some hot tea, turned on some good music and started to clean a little. All of this while hearing the rain pittering on the roof.
Good Stuff.
I about spit coffee when I read your comment of the shy, sheepish quiet one...
I tagged you on my blog - so start thinking of 7 things about you!
I like to sit under a blanket and read in weather like this. I love the sound of rain on the roof.
Hello ... hello... is this thing on? I want updates. Its not raining today, although cloudy its not raining! It is a beautiful autumn day in Ohio!
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