The cross is the greatest example of humility and devotion in the universe. Jesus put your needs ahead of His own. He considered you more valuable than Himself. - Chip Ingram

Monday, November 12, 2007

Veteran's Day

Well, it's Veteran's Day and I would like to start with a hearty THANK YOU to any and every Veteran and their respective families. The dedication and pride of those who have served and continue to serve our country never ceases to amaze me. My father served in the United States Navy. He was stationed on the Ticonderoga. His brothers served in the military, as well. See my dad's picture above? Wasn't he a studly man? (That was many years ago, dad.)

This past weekend I watched a documentary about WWII. Many of the men that served in that war went immediately from high school graduation into the war. Some even younger had tricked the government and enlisted before legal age. If they were caught serving before they were of age, they enlisted again as soon as they become of legal age. They felt such a calling to serve. They had such a passion for their country.

To me, serving your country in the military is one of those things that just surpasses any political party affiliation. We are all Americans and should all stand behind those who put their lives on the line for our freedoms.

Onto the letter "L."

Laundry. Why am I constantly doing laundry? Why do all of my children have an minimum of two outfits a day? Where did I go wrong?

Lutheran West is where my husband and I went to high school and met. Our son Austin is a senior at Lutheran West and Paige will be a freshman at Lutheran West next year.

Blake Lewis. He is my daughter's current obsession. Do you remember him from American Idol? He is a pretty talented guy and I must admit, rather cute.

Laughter is truly medicine. I believe everyone should laugh a little each day. If I didn't....I would probably be crying. So, I'll stick with laughter. Wait! Did I mention how good it is to laugh at yourself?

Logan is the original name I picked for Austin. I changed the name because my dad didn't like it and I always did what he said. Eh...I like the name, Austin better anyways.

Licensing. I can file for a trademark license in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. I worked in Patent and Licensing at BP for the first six years after college. LOTS of life experiences there.

I have thin lips and don't really like them. Especially the top lip. Ick.

Lorain County Community College is where I got my degree in Secretarial Science. Let me tell you, I always felt like I wasn't that smart because I didn't go away to a four year college. That was until I graduated from LCCC and got my job at BP. When I was making more cash than my friends who went four years, I felt a little better. Moral of the story: Don't sell LCCC short.

I'm not big on wearing lipstick. My mom always told me that it drains the color from your lips. So, I prefer Vasoline.

My sister Cindy named the first fish she ever caught....Lollipop. (See photo! Wasn't she cute?)

I have a loving family. I am one lucky mommy.

I am off to make pumpkin rolls. We go through that stuff like the locust around here!



Jen Forbus said...

I love pumpkin roll...but hate pumpkin pie...go figure. I'm just weird; I know! :)

Paige said...

you mentioned your future son in-law. (;

perfection! :D
brake rewis.

Looneybin4me said...

I love the fact that Cindy is fully dressed and has a life-preserver on! LOL...
This was a great blogging day ...

Looneybin4me said...

I love the fact that Cindy is fully dressed and has a life-preserver on! LOL...
This was a great blogging day ...

Trish said...

I'll be over for pumpkin roll! And I used one of the yummy jars of tomatoes in chili yesterday--totally delish! Love you!

Anonymous said...

I'm LOVING your L list - so true about the laughter, I think I might be in a (looney bin)if it wasn't for laughter. Blake Lewis...hmmm, I'll have to go see "which" idol that was?