The cross is the greatest example of humility and devotion in the universe. Jesus put your needs ahead of His own. He considered you more valuable than Himself. - Chip Ingram

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Well, it didn't take long to set me off this morning. Today is an election day and normally I think those are pretty exciting days. BUT, today I was a little peeved. I drove Trent to school today and we were greeted by approximately fifteen people lined by the school holding signs for their candidate. I really didn't feel comfortable dropping him off in all of that, so I walked him inside.

Inside, it was chaos. Between massive amounts of kids and voters, the halls were packed. And it made me really unhappy. To me, having voting in a school that is "in-session" is just a huge risk. Normally our school is locked like a fortress. Don't EVEN try to get in the back door unless it is the weekend. The front doors are monitored by cameras and a "buzz-in" system. I am all good with this. In this day and age, I think we need to take precautions. But really......all these strangers in our school, with our kids, with God-knows-what in their possession....I'm not liking it. Poor choice guys. Really...we tell our kids to stay away from strangers and report a stranger in their building and then......we invite them inside!

I wish they would have had the kids stay home today or would have found another location for voting. Only a few years ago, I pulled into our school parking lot to find police cars filling the parking lot. They stopped me before entering to tell me that I had to pick up my children at Westlake High School because we had a bomb threat and had to evacuate.

So, I'm putting my faith in Trent's teacher (who is a wonderful teacher) to look after my little bug today amongst these strangers.

On another note, my dad thinks this whole "alphabet thing" is making my blog pretty boring. I, on the other hand, am challenged to come up with these answers! PLUS, I love hearing my friends answers. So, with me.


We have had many hermit crabs as pets. Warning: Stay clear of the "purple pincher."

I am extremely concerned about our country's Health Care System. Especially since my kids will need the future. Did you see the 70 yr. old gentleman who just robbed a bank because he couldn't afford his health care bills? Do you know that a large amount of the homeless are those needing mental health care and they cannot obtain the care? GGRRRRR......

Heaven...In my gut, I know it exists. I want to be there some day. I know that a lot of people I care for are there right now...partying!

I have loved doing my daughter's hair since she was a little girl.

When I was little, I wanted to be a hippie. Of course, I was born in the 60s so that kind of makes sense. I really didn't understand hippies, except that I thought they wore cool clothes and they liked peace signs!

I loved going to High School, but I pretty much hated every day of Junior High. Doesn't everyone?

I love Holcomb's because I secretly have always wished I was a teacher. To me, it is like a candy store.

My husband wanted to propose to me in a helicopter over Niagra Falls. Remember the letter "F" and fear of flying? didn't work. NO getting in the plane. I knew his secret plan to kick me out of the helicopter and cash in on the rock.

I once received a rubber hand (more like a bloody stump) from my husband as a gift. Ask me about it sometime.

Finally, I had a warm moment last night. My two boys played together a great deal of the evening and it ended with hugs, cuddles and kisses. Sometimes you get a brief window that makes you think you MAY have done one thing correctly. :) (See photos above! I know one was blurry...but I just had to add it!)



Jen Forbus said...

Val, you forgot to add how "h"ilarious you are! That is too funny about the helicopter ride over Niagra Falls! So "h"appy you didn't decide to ixney the alphabet. And I'll meet you at that party in heaven - date to be announced later!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree with the hilarious! I for one am loving your abc's. Cute pictures too! Maybe he just needs to be mentioned in more of the letters???

Chris said...

I love those pictures!! Please frame them!!! I agree with the ladies... you are so hilarious.. & I so enjoy your ABC'S. Besides, my blog would be blank if I didn't have anything to copy from you!!


Chris said...

Oh, also, the school/voting thing...I agree it was a very bad idea. Too risky & too many crazies out there.