The cross is the greatest example of humility and devotion in the universe. Jesus put your needs ahead of His own. He considered you more valuable than Himself. - Chip Ingram

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Oh, for the love of Tina...I mean...Pete!

Well, Tina is at it AGAIN! Another little trivia here goes.

Use the 1st letter of your name
What is your name? Valerie
4 letter word: Vice
Vehicle: Viper
T.V.Show: The Virginian
Movie: Valley of the Dolls
City: Valparaiso
Boy Name: Vincent
Girl Name: Victoria
Drink: Vanilla Coke
Occupation: Vet
Something you wear: Vest
Celebrity: Valerie Harper
Food: Vegetable Lasagna
Something found in a bathroom: Viagra (Disclaimer: Not found in my bathrooms)
Reason for Being Late: Violent Stomach Pains !??
Something You Shout: V-I-C-T-O-R-Y
Something You Call Someone Liked: Valuable

Introducting: The letter "F"


I try to be faithful.
I love my family.
Watermelon is my favorite fruit.
I have short, chubby fingers.
I don't have gobs of friends, but the ones I do have are amazing people and make me feel blessed.
I have a huge, and I mean HUGE, fear of flying.
My family is full of football lovers.
I hate doing our finances and leave that job to my husband!
I love my fireplace and consider it a complete luxury.
We have several fish in our pond.
My son, Austin has always been a frog lover. He even owned fire belly frogs.
My first car was an Oldsmobile Firenza. I bought it new off of the lot when I got my job at BP.

Paige has two more JO tryouts today and I am a little worried. I think she may be getting strep throat. I was up with her during the night. I had her gargle with warm salt water. Of course, Trent joined in. He kept having nightmares. He kept waking me up asking for "things to think about" so he could go back to sleep.

I had one of those days yesterday where you clean all day and your house looks exactly the same when you are finished. Exactly how does that happen? So, today I am going to help Trent work on a school project and I will once again attack the house. I need to take down the Halloween decorations (sorry Trish, they are still up) and make the house a little more harvesty. (Is that even a word?)

Sorry my posts have been so full of fluff lately. I have been really busy. I will improve soon...I promise!

Peace Out!


Jen Forbus said...

"F"antastic job on the "F"s. You know, I'm rather partial to that letter myself! :)

Anonymous said...

These were both awesome! I even had my hubby and daughter in here reading them. You did good with the letter V too, so comical answers to say the least!