The cross is the greatest example of humility and devotion in the universe. Jesus put your needs ahead of His own. He considered you more valuable than Himself. - Chip Ingram

Friday, December 21, 2007

The Sights And Sound of Christmas

I have had a very busy week. I'm sure you all know how hectic he last week before Christmas vacation can become. First off, Trent had his Christmas program. It was so cute! His music teacher is sooo good at combining music, dance and instruments into her programs. I am always so impressed. And by the way, if anyone runs into the little girl to left of Trent in the photo where he is playing the bells, can you please tell her to keep her little eyes off of my little man and start playing her own bells? Yeah...thanks. (HA!)

Secondly, we had the class Christmas parties. I had to complete the teacher's Christmas gifts. I really wanted to post them here, but some of my "readers" are receiving the same gift will have to wait!

Thirdly, I still haven't finished my shopping. It doesn't help that I only started it last week! I have a great deal done, and I have cut down my spending quite a bit, so that is good! The thing that is throwing me is that everything my kids want come in small packages (i.e. video games, DVDs, CDs). So, although a video game can cost $50.00 it looks like you've purchase NOTHING! Gone are the Little Tykes days when every present was almost the same size as our tree. Filling the area below the tree was actually less expensive and much easier!

In the midst of all of this chaos...Charlie, my dog has been quite sick. Ugh! He got into our garbage and must have had a hayday. Unfortunately, now he is paying for it. I am pretty strict about my dog only eating dog food and not table food. So, when this kind of thing ain't pretty. He has had "potty problems" all over the house for...hhmmmm....about a week and a day of vomitting. (Sorry...too much information!) Thank Goodness I am so poor about returning my sister's rug scrubber! I don't know what I would do without that thing! He seems to be recovering now, so hopefully I won't be cleaning the carpets twice a day!

Today I am off to deliver Christmas Cookies to dad, and our doctors. And HOPEFULLY I may finish some shopping as well.


1 comment:

Jen Forbus said...

Poor Charlie. Give him a kiss for me. Kisses always make everything better! :) Merry Christmas!