This morning I opened my friend, Trish's blog and she had written about her youngest son. She wrote of how he doesn't like to wear pants, only his diaper. She talked of his temper. She talked about his knowing how to get into the pantry and knowing EXACTLY where the suckers were located. I loved this post. It brought back so many memories of when my kids were young.
When Austin was young, everything was a sword. He would beg me to make hats out of newspaper and he would want his blankie tied around his neck as a cape. The wand to my vacuum cleaner became his sword. He would duel with many imaginary "bad guys." Soon, grandma caught on and she sewed him a real cape...and he was the real deal. I can still see it, today. He would jump and yell "YAW" when we would walk into the room. So cute.
Paige was so quiet when she was young. Her favorite hobby was watching Austin, and trying to do everything he was doing. She has always loved, admired and looked up to Austin. She had plastic high heels and she would run behind him trying to be every character he was portraying....all the time in plastic high heels. She would slip all over the place on our hardwood floors, giggling the whole time.
Trent, too was very shy when he was small. But, to Trent, everything was a hat. It could be a towel, a pair of his brother's boxer shorts, the ice cube bucket from the refrigerator or a tupperware bowl. This kid always had something on his head as a hat. And with it....a HUGE grin. The other funny thing about Trent is that he always wanted to teethe on a toothbrush. NOW I have to beg him to brush! How funny is that.
My kids have grown so much since those days. It makes me smile, yet makes me somewhat sad that they have grown up so much. But it is so fun to be flooded with all those memories of when they were so young!
Onto the Letter "N" {{TA DA!}}
Napkins. When I was young I used to collect paper table napkins. Weird, I know. My mom would always give me an extra one from her package. I kept them in a binder. I loved the decorations on them and the patterns. Now that I think about it, it is probably where my love for paper began! AND.....speaking of napkins. My husband WILL NOT use the word napkin. He thinks it sounds vulgar (as in a woman's personal product). So, he uses the phrase "facial wipe." Again....weird. See why we have been together so long?Nursing. My mother was a nurse. My sister, Pam is a nurse. My aunt and my cousin are nurses. OH! And my cousins wife.....yep, she is a nurse. When I was younger I wished I could be a nurse, but I do not have the stomach for that stuff. I don't know how nurses do what they do, but I am GLAD they do! I will tell you, there are not many great nurses left. But, of the ones out there, I think my sister is at the top. She is a fabulous nurse. I think that is cool.
Nerves. Nerves are a constant problem in my house, especially for my two youngest kids and their mom.
Nick. I have a nephew, Nick. He is a ball of energy. He is confidence, good-looks, sarcasm, stinker and sweetness all rolled into one. I love this kid.
Nin. Nin is the nickname we have had for my sister, Cindy FOREVER. Sadly, she even answers to it.
Natalie. Natalie is my daughter's best friend. We have known Natalie for many years, but she has only become best friends with Paige in the past year. It is SO RARE to find a girl in junior high and think....
she is a nice kid. But, Natalie is a nice girl. Love her. Love her family. I'm praying that she and Paige remain friends. It's not everyday that your kids make a friend that changes their life for the better.
Nightmares. My son, Trent has many nightmares. Sometimes is concerns me, but it may just be a part of growing.
"Not Good Enoughs." Well, this may not sound very nice, but this is the nickname I have coined for a group of people at our church. They stick to themselves and their own little group. They consider themselves holier than most people and do not consider many people worthy of their friendship. They are the first to point out everyone else's sins and to deem who will and will not be going to heaven. For some reason, I find this to be EXACTLY how the Lord WOULD NOT want us to behave. I used to work at being friendly with them. Not any more. I have come to realize that they will never consider my family to be "good enough." Eh...their loss.Negative people get me down and I tend to shy away from them. They are too much for me to handle. Besides, life is WAY harder if you don't count your blessings!
I have been down (as in ...flat on my back) for about three days with the worst sinus infection. Today is the first day I feel a little better and actually feel like getting something accomplished. So, I better get to it!