The cross is the greatest example of humility and devotion in the universe. Jesus put your needs ahead of His own. He considered you more valuable than Himself. - Chip Ingram

Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Magician

When Austin was very little, Mike and I came up with a nickname for him. We called him the magician. We told him that he worked magic. The story was, as soon as he was born he performed his first amazing feat and made us a mom and a dad. We told him that being the magician would be the position that ONLY Austin would hold in this family. Before you get too excited, we have other "jobs" for Paige and Trent as well. But, today I bring up the magician because he is 17. Yep...17 years old today.

Today I was a little on the weepy side, because I realized that I don't have Austin in my house celebrating his birthday too much longer. I am excited for him. What an exciting time in your life to be experiencing all these "firsts." And I do think he is more ready each day, to go out and take things on by himself. But really, he is a huge part of me....a huge part of all of us. And not having him near me each day is going to be tough. But, I am proud of him. He is a GREAT kid. He is complete proof that we only do a small portion of parenting and that the Lord does the rest. Because, I never know what I am doing.....and he has turning out to be more than I could have imagined on May 3, 1990.

You will see in the pictures above an amazing cake made by Paige and Trent. It is complete with a miniature Browns bobblehead. This thing is so sweet you can feel the enamel melt on your teeth as you eat it. They were so excited to bake this for him. As far as a gift...he wants his usual "cash."

SO.....Happy Birthday, A! I love you so much.

"Of one hundred men, one will read the Bible; ninety-nine will read the Christian."
- Dwight L Moody

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