The cross is the greatest example of humility and devotion in the universe. Jesus put your needs ahead of His own. He considered you more valuable than Himself. - Chip Ingram

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Falling From Grace....

Well, it was bound to happen, and today was the day. Trent fell from grace.

If you are the mother of little children, you may not have had to deal with this yet. If you are the mother of girls, it most likely will happen later. BUT, if you are the mother of a boy or boys, you most likely will remember the first time your son "fell from grace."

We went to our friend's house for a Cinco De Mayo Party (hope I spelled that correctly) and there were several kids in attendance. Well, Trent went into this mix of kids and became a follower. He was egged-on to use some foul words and he chose to comply. **sigh** He was busted by Paige and she told Mike and I. Needless to say, we hit the roof and he was sent to bed early (amongst other punishments). I know this isn't the worst thing in the world, but there just always seems to be a point when you know you need to come down on them a little harder. Today was that point.

I honestly wondered how he missed the whole lecture on using foul language. I know I have recited that lecture at least 50 times in his presence. And, if you know me, foul language isn't one of my favorite things. I was so angry, yet so sad. Not just sad that Trent made a mistake, but sad that he is older now. He is old enough for me to start to worry about his behavior and trusting and all that other junk. I just liked it better when he did everything I asked, no questions asked. And Trent, well...he is usually just sweet. Until today.......

The other part that bugs me is that after he was sent to bed, I felt terrible that I HAD to punish him. How dumb is that? First, I am breathing fire and handing down punishments and then I want to hug him because he is so remorseful and upset. Yet, if I go into his room and cuddle him, the whole punishment will lose its effect. So...I am waiting. I am waiting until he falls fast asleep and THEN I am going to go into his room and hug him and love on him.

At least tomorrow is another day.................................

"If God were small enough to be understood, He would not be big enough to be worshiped." - Evelyn Underhill

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