The cross is the greatest example of humility and devotion in the universe. Jesus put your needs ahead of His own. He considered you more valuable than Himself. - Chip Ingram

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Shamelessly Bragging........

Let me just take a few seconds to SHAMELESSLY brag about my daughter. She is the coolest. She had her vocal recital tonight and she was wonderful. I just love her. Everything about her. This girl was shaking like a leaf on the inside and cool as a cucumber on the outside. Her recital was at Independance Village Retirement Home in Avon Lake. I like that they hold the recitals in this retirement home. It's nice that the residents can enjoy the kids, and they seem so appreciative to have the entertainment.
The top picture is a picture of all those in attendance. ((Okay, I am not in the picture, but I am TAKING the picture. Plus, I wore a white shirt. That is usually not a big deal, but when I downloaded the pictures, I resembled a the pictures of me are out. Did I mention that I will, once again, be dieting? Yep....and I think I have to do something about the hair too. It was just an all-around eye-opening kind of photo that I wouldn't wish on friend or enemy.))
ANYWAY, if you look closely in the photo you may see something slightly unfamiliar to many of you. It is VERA! That's right....Dad's Vera is in the photo on his left. I don't have any other pictures of her, so this is a treasure! I love that she is so sweet and supportive of my kids.
We finished the evening with dinner (compliments of Mike's parents) at the Winking Lizard. I have never been there before! The food was good, but reading the menu was a bit of a challenge! Seriously, the lizard was so cool!
For those of you questioning, Austin WAS at the recital. He left immediately following for a party and after-prom.
Sorry for the randomness of this post. I just wanted to put in a quick update and then get back to my family!!!!
If you are a Christian, you can expect folks to criticize, but you ought to live so nobody will believe them. " - Anonymous

1 comment:

Nicole said...

go Paige!!!

and you're SUPPOSED to brag about her,'s one of the perks =)

she looks must have been so proud of her up there!!
