The cross is the greatest example of humility and devotion in the universe. Jesus put your needs ahead of His own. He considered you more valuable than Himself. - Chip Ingram

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Well, he looks harmless...doesn't he? Yes, this is my baby. Actually he would say that he isn't a baby and perhaps he is right. This is my favorite first-grader and my youngest....Trent. This is the earliest riser in our house, the master of the Wii, the chess champion and lover of hot dogs and pizza.

Trent is at a really cool age. He has discovered his love for Jesus and to be honest, it cracks me up. For example, he often brings home a religion workbook from school that has a cartoon image of Jesus on the front. Last week he asked what I do with those books after he brings them home. I tried to gently tell him that I review his work and then throw the workbook away. Trents response? " are a SINNER." Uummmm....yeah, I kind of already knew that, but when it comes from a 7-year old it does put a different spin on it.

This brings me to Lent. This is one of my favorite times of the church year. And today is Ash Wednesday. For the first time, I think Trent is really starting to understand the depth of this time of year. You see, Trent came home from school and announced that he is giving up chips for Lent. Of course he puffed out his chest when nobody else knew what they were giving up. As luck would have it, I was planning the grocery list when this subject came up. I blurted out, "I have to put chips on the grocery list." Trent's jaw dropped open. The conversation continued as follows:

Trent: "Well, you can't have chips, Mom!"
Mom: "Why not?"
Trent: "I'm giving them up for Lent."
Mom: "Yes, you are Trent. But the rest of us are not."

::insert stunned silence::

Trent was a little shaken. The look on his face conveyed "How can you guys do this to me?" Needless to say, I had to do a little more explanation of Lent before Trent fully understood what he had committed to. And of course I had to have the final word.

Mom: "Trent, Lent isn't for wimps, ya know!"

1 comment:

Looneybin4me said...

Trent, remind Aunt Pam to buy you a BIG bag of chips all your own for Easter this year. I am proud of you for giving up those potato chips that you love so much.