The cross is the greatest example of humility and devotion in the universe. Jesus put your needs ahead of His own. He considered you more valuable than Himself. - Chip Ingram

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Oh, For The Love of Tomatoes!!!!!

Every year when school begins, do you know what time it is? IT IS TOMATO PICKING TIME! Yes, there is a small window of time each year, when you can go into the fields to pick canning tomatoes before they rot. It seems like everytime this "window" rolls around, it is either raining or hot as blazes. This year, it was hot as in 96 degrees.

Dad called me last Friday to tell me that we had to pick tomatoes on that very day or they would be rotten from the upcoming rain. So, pick we did. Did I mention that Dad had blocks put in his back that day? Oh yeah, and he wasn't supposed to do anything strenuous like bending and lifting. I did try to help my dad. I left the car running and told him to sit for awhile in the air conditioning. I decided to do all the lifting. I was tired and feeling a little dehydrated but no biggie. BUT (and you knew it was coming) Dad STILL had to make comments about the "bad" tomatoes I picked. Apprently they were too hard and green. Gotta love him, don't ya? Of course, I was more than willing to take those remarks, BECAUSE AT LEAST THEY WEREN'T ABOUT MY WEIGHT! (ahem....Dad.....ahem)

Anyway, Dad and I canned 24 quarts of tomatoes together. Actually, it was a good time. Dad is super good at canning and I want to take in all of his information. I did notice, however, that he seems to think he has the difficult job when he moves the tomatoes to and from the hot and cold water. I was the one who had to skin and cut all the cooked tomatoes. Next year, we are switching jobs, dad! Do you hear me????

The cans of tomatoes are so pretty, I don't even want to put them in the pantry. I think I will work on fresh green beans next (thanks to Trish's mom) and I would like dad to teach me to can fruit!!!

And this lovely photo??? This was dad, following the canning. He needed a little nap. What a lightweight! (hee hee)


Trish said...

Oh Val--THANK YOU for the lovely tomatoes. Can't wait to use them! The peaches are next, then we're on to the beans...So glad you stopped by!

Looneybin4me said...

Where are my tomatoes? I feel neglected. :(...

Chris said...

WOW, you know how to can tomatoes?? I'm impressed!!! I wish I was there to join you!!!