The cross is the greatest example of humility and devotion in the universe. Jesus put your needs ahead of His own. He considered you more valuable than Himself. - Chip Ingram

Monday, April 16, 2007

It DOESN'T Melt In Water!!

Whomever it was that said sugar melts in water was proven wrong today! I'm sure if you know Trent well enough, you are aware that he FEARS water. So much so...the boy will only take baths. Noooooo showers. That would mean water on your head. After spending last summer watching him bob up and down in the swimming pool with all the three year olds, I decided to force the issue a bit. And here are the results. The boy with the death grip on the boogie board would be Trent. Today was his sixth swimming lesson (private nonetheless) and he still trembles when he has to go. All kidding aside, this kid actually shakes the entire car ride. I almost feel cruel forcing him to go, but I am so afraid he will have a swimming accident! Anyhow, my little guy, the one who is sweet as sugar, actually DOESN'T melt in the pool.

Another fun little tid bit about our resident "fish" is that he is chewing his clothes. Seriously. Most of the day his shirts are soaked halfway down. He will even chew on his socks while watching TV. Think he has anxiety in his future? Ummmm....yeah.

Paige isn't feeling well today. As a matter of fact, she is in bed and not about to move. She thinks she may want to go back on her Zoloft. Poor kid. It brings me down to see her like this. We are going to tough it out another day or two and then call the doctor. I can't watch her like this for too long.

On the lighter side...MARILYN IS HOME! Don't you just hate when your friends go on vacation? I have picked up the phone to call her at least a million times this week (I actually do talk to her about a million times a week...just ask Mike). She had a great time in Costa Rica with her family and that makes me happy. She is a good egg and is always doing for others. So, its good she had some time with her favorite people.

Trish and Jen are leaving this weekend for CKU. I can't wait to hear about it. I wish I could see Ali again but it isn't in the cards right now. First Marilyn gets back and now I have to survive these two leaving me. UGH!

I'm sending special prayers up tonight for all of those involved in the shootings at Virginia Tech. How sad. It makes me worry about sending Austin off to college soon. I feel for the families affected by such a tragedy.

"The greatest privilege God gives to you is the freedom to approach Him at any time. You are not only authorized to speak to Him; you are invited. You are not only permitted; you are expected. God waits for you to communicate with Him. You have instant, direct access to God. God loves mankind so much, and in a very special sense His children, that He has made Himself available to you at all times." - Wesley L. Duewel


Looneybin4me said...

Way to go Trent! I love seeing you doing so well at your swimming...Love, Aunt Pam

Nicole said...

before you know it Val, he'll be doing flips off of the diving board.

thinking of you while at CKU....=)