The cross is the greatest example of humility and devotion in the universe. Jesus put your needs ahead of His own. He considered you more valuable than Himself. - Chip Ingram

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What a Sermon

Well, I really wanted to post a picture today, but my husband has put a new child-proof security on our computer and it has blocked me from up loading photos. UGH! So....being the spiritual person I am, I thought I would tell you about an amazing sermon. Those of you that are bugged by my retoric or annoyed that I mention my beliefs too much (and you know who you are), you can feel free to exit at this time! HA!

Anyways, I sat in church on Sunday and listened to a GREAT sermon. I love those Sundays. The kind of Sundays where you leave church revitalized because you have gotten something from every bit of the service....the music, the scripture readings and the sermon. We have a substitute pastor who has been working at our church until our new pastor begins. He is a wonderful, young father. He is enlisted in the service. He works for hospice. And the list goes on and on and on. He wears many hats, and appears to use them all very well.

The sermon this Sunday was about prayer. Pastor expressed his concern about people simply not praying enough or praying as much as they used to pray. He went over parts of the Lord's Prayer and how it was written. His basic point was....Just Pray! God doesn't care how eloquent you are when speaking. Do you care how many big words your kids use? He also said that it is good to call the Lord "Father." It creates a father/child relationship and encourages us to open up as we should to a parent. Also, he said that we should not only think of ourselves (which it IS okay to pray for yourself and your desires) but to think of GOD. In the Lord's Prayer we say "Your will be done" and "Thy Kingdom come." Interesting.................

The part of the sermon I loved the most was when the pastor talked about being a hospice worker. He told of all the people he has met and worked with who were terminally ill. He said that most of his "patients" were suffering with Alzheimers. He talked of how alzheimers robs people of all their memories. It even takes away the memories of those they love the most. BUT...that for some reason most of the people in late stages that he works with seem to STILL remember the Lord's Prayer. I think his exact words were "....there is something about that prayer." YES! There is something about that prayer! It was given to us by God. He asked us to pray that prayer. It was simple but encompassed all our needs. IT IS A GIFT!

So....PLEASE take the opportunity to accept your gift daily. Talk to your Father. Thank him for all he has given you, tell him about your day, mention the needs of some friends and even discuss a few problems of your own with him. It can change you!


Chris said...

O.k. you have lifted me up this morning & given me something to think about....thank you my friend!!

Looneybin4me said...

Is that your old neighbor? We miss you around here!

Val, it is so true what he said about alzheimers. Mom remembered the Lord's prayer. I would sit and pray with her. Sounds like he needs to be selected as your new pastor. I love when a day of worship comes full circle in life.