The cross is the greatest example of humility and devotion in the universe. Jesus put your needs ahead of His own. He considered you more valuable than Himself. - Chip Ingram

Monday, October 13, 2008

No words..................

No words can express our sadness at the loss of our friend, Robert Bueck. Robert died on Friday, leaving behind a loving wife and two great kids. I have thought all weekend about how I can post this, what to say, will it express everything.................and I have no words.

To Jen, McKenzie and Ethan, we love you. Your family is a true testament to Robert's life.

To Robert, this world and it's people are better just because you were here. And HOW AMAZING that you have now seen the face of God.

All our love.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your friend Val. I hope he did not suffer. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.